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Teaching Your Dog the Place Command

Writer: Lexi BrileyLexi Briley

Hello and welcome to Expert Dog Training

First and foremost, all dogs are welcome here at Expert Dog Training. We take pride in training a wide variety of dogs from emotional support, obedience, tricks, agility, scent work, and even aggression.

In today’s blog, we’ll be going over the "Place” command!

What is the purpose of Place?

The purpose of place is to have somewhere your dog can go for stability. You can teach them to actually hold a place for an extended period of time. Once they learn place, you can use the place command in a variety of situations. You can place your dog in a bathtub, in their kennels, and even in your car!

The Rules of Place:

Rule #1 - Place is anything raised off the ground with four corners

A rug, blanket, or carpet will not work. Since dogs are colorblind, it's very hard for them to tell the difference between the edge of something and where it turns into something else. The best thing you can do in training is to be clear with your dog.

Rule #2 - Never place them on something that they can't get on

Don't place your dog on something they're not allowed on. If they're not allowed on the bed or furniture, don't place them there. Just make sure what you do place them on is something that's always there.

Rule #3- They have to be in a sit or a down.

The place command is a command that's stabilizing and comfortable.

Somethings you need before you start!

  • A long lead. Doesn't matter if it's 20-25 feet, just something longer than your average 6 foot lead.

  • Positive rewards! I recommend using treats to start, if that's what motivates your dog.

Teaching Place in 7 easy steps!

1. To get my dog onto their place, I guide my dog with my hand with an open palm, leading her where to go, and stopping at the edge of the place.

2. Once they're on their place, ask them to sit. After they sit, you can reward them by saying, “place, good girl/boy,” and give them a reward.

3. Don't pull on the leash. You want your dog to know they're doing the right thing. If you were to put tension on the leash, that's telling your dog you'd like them to do something else, so they may hop off the place.

4. You can say “place” as many times as you can with a positive tone of voice, to reinforce what that word means. The more you say it, the more they'll make the association.

5. Release them from this command. Use a command such as, “free” or “break.”

6. Repeat these “place” and “break” commands, putting them on and off the place.

7. We don't want to correct them for getting off the place on their own until they understand what the place command is. We want to make it fun for them! Once you see they have the hang of it, that's when you can start to use a gentle correction such as collar popping (in a gentle way in the right place), using an ECollar, or using your hand signals or voices.


Give your dogs space! Dogs are hyper aware of your body language, that if you're blocking their way, they're going to assume you don't want them to go there.


I hope you enjoyed this blog!

Before you go!

If you or someone you know is looking for a dog that is:


⭐️ ALTERED (Spayed/Neutered)


Check out our website to see the amazing rescue dogs we currently have available for adoption. We love doing this because it gives these dogs a second chance at life and for you to have a companion of a lifetime!

Not only do we rescue and love on dogs from unfavorable situations, we also feed homeless dogs. Financially, we cannot accomplish this on our own. So, we need YOUR help. Here's how you can support Expert Dog Training in giving these pups a second chance at life:

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Thank you again for your time.

Be blessed!

~Brandi Cunningham



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